Saturday, May 20, 2017

Liqour and Beverages

There are different kinds of beverages in the world. One of this are the alchoholic everages like carlos I, black labeland chivas regal. These alchoholic beverages are delicious to drink but it cab also give you hard time when you drink too much of it. During celebrations, like birthdays, fiesta etc., beverage usually present. Alchoholic beverages can cause harm somethimes when someone didnt drink moderately. Most of the time, when people are drunk they dont know what they are intended to do. Some of them make crime, searching for fight, but some of them are being the victims. When you drink too much you can forget what you do. You can forget how you got home, and other things you done. And the day after you will also have a hung over. So its better to think before you drink and drink moderately

Written By: Jhun Pagcaliwangan

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